Time to Play and Pray

What a wonderful weekend!

We were with our youngest daughter’s family; Kaci, Stephen, Sam and Kristine. It is such a joy to live closer to our daughters and be able to spend time with them. Those years in Montana had us living too far away. We can be to everyone in just a couple of hours, even our son is only a couple hours by air.

This last weekend was NASCAR weekend in Phoenix. As you know, Dave and I are big race fans. That’s how we roll. The kids all grew up knowing the names of car drivers and their team owners. So, this race was special. It was Kaci’s first time to a NASCAR race. She compared it to going to the Super Bowl for someone who grew up in a football family. Stephen enjoyed it as well. It was a great day!

Saturday night was play time with the grandkids. Sam had been telling me on the phone that he wanted us to watch Lightning McQueen when we came. Now most of you with littler children may have seen the Disney movie, Cars, but we hadn’t. Sam had several favorite spots and wanted to make sure we saw them all. Little Kristine would shout “go, go, go” during some of the race scenes and then dance with the music. It was a family event. Sam knew we were going to the race the next day and I think this was his way of joining in.

This was one of the first times I had seen the grandkids since my back procedure and it was so special to be picking them up, having them crawl over my lap, wiggle and squirm and playing toys on the floor without pain. Thank you Lord!

But the best time of all was putting them to bed, getting them in their jammies and saying prayers. Kristine cuddled in during prayer time, gave tight hugs and kisses and then she was off to sleep. Sam picked out a book to read and then we had prayers. He prayed along with me. He had so many things on his mind he wanted to thank Jesus for, people he wanted to pray for and things he wanted to pray about. We were in no rush. There was plenty of time to make sure everything was covered in prayer.

What a blessing!

I couldn’t help but think that our heavenly Father’s heart must have been filled to overflowing with the love and childlike faith of my little grandson. I know mine was. Such a joy to see the love for the Lord that this little man has. It was definitely a weekend of making family memories.

These two verses came to mind as I was thinking on our time together.

“Teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right.” Proverbs 22:6 CEV

“Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives, while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other. With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. 17 Whatever you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to God the Father because of him.” Colossians 3:16-17 CEV

Whatever we do can, and should, be a time to thank the Lord for His love and provision. It may be something as simple as watching a movie, going to a race or saying bedtime prayers. They are all opportunities to give thanks.

What small things are you going to praise the Lord for today?