You’re Being Followed!

Have you ever had that feeling that someone is following you? It can be a bit unnerving if you are in an area that isn’t familiar to you.

God promises to see that we are followed wherever we go.

This morning I had a bit of a dilemma. I was reading the lesson of the prodigal son in Luke 15 and also reading Psalm 23 on the goodness of the Lord. Both of these Scriptures stir my heart each time I read them. I wanted to share them both. I can’t read them just once and then go on; I re-read these verses and ask “Lord, what do you want me to learn today?”

As I was praying about which Scriptures to share I kept coming back to Psalm 23.

“You, Lord, are my shepherd. I will never be in need.
You let me rest in fields of green grass. You lead me to streams of peaceful water,
and you refresh my life. You are true to your name, and you lead me along the right paths. I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with me, and your shepherd’s rod makes me feel safe.

You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch. You honor me as your guest,
    and you fill my cup until it overflows.
Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life, and I will live forever in your house, Lord.” Psalm 23 CEV

I like reading this version because it’s so personal. “You lead me”. Everything about this psalm is personal. It’s not about they or them – what they say – it’s about You and me.

Jesus is the you and I am the me!

Did you notice what it says in verse 3? You are true to your name…in the Old Testament, at different times, the Lord would tell the Israelites about the diverse attributes of His name. He is the Lord but He described Himself as our provider, our healer, our present help in times of trouble, our shepherd, our mighty God, our banner, the I AM, our peace, and the One who is always there. That’s why King David could start this psalm with “You are my shepherd. I will never be in need”. Whatever it is we need and whenever we find ourselves lacking, the Lord is there.

If I walk through dark valleys, valleys as dark as death or if I am face to face with my enemies I have no reason to fear because Jesus, my shepherd is right there with me.

His love and kindness is with me each day of my life, following me and then when my life is over I get to live in His house forever!

Love and kindness each day! In other words, words that we are more familiar with, this is translated goodness and mercy shall follow me. God doesn’t send us out on our own. He follows us with His unfailing love and infinite power of forgiveness.

There’s an obscure verse in Isaiah which tells us that God is keeping watch behind us. He protects us from a rear assault – goodness and mercy as there to be the rear guard.

“But you will not go out in a hurry. You will not leave as if you were running for your lives. For the Lord will go before you. And the God of Israel will keep watch behind you.” Isaiah 52:12 NLV

I pray you will be very aware that you are being followed today. Goodness and mercy are always there.