How Clean Is Clean

When we moved into our home almost five years ago I was thrilled to see the dishwasher that came with the house. It was more upscale than other dishwashers I had owned. It even had a “crystal/china” cycle. This was great!

It didn’t take long for me to lose some of the excited anticipation I had felt. You see, the area we live in has very hard water and the dishwasher had not been properly maintained. Periodically, I would have to take it all apart; wash everything off, de-scale the washing arms (their nozzles would get plugged with hard water deposits) and then run vinegar through it before using it again. This was a common place activity.

Frustration would mount and I would decide to wash all the dishes by hand. In fact, I mentioned to Dave once that we just take it out and he build shelves in the space. I could always use more shelves.

Once we added a water softener I didn’t have to do the ritual cleaning quite as often but still it never really cleaned the way I thought it should. It was embarrassing when company would come and I would find dirty silverware, plates or glasses. It was a cleaned and sanitized dirt but it was still dirt.

Isn’t that the way it is with our lives sometimes? We make the attempt to clean things up, we look good on the outside but still there is a coating of grit or grime that can be felt and seen when inspected further. We have our hair combed, our clothes are clean and we smell pretty but when the stress and pressure come, all-to-often what comes out of our mouths reveals the dirt that has been left behind.

“But the Pharisee was surprised when he saw that Jesus did not wash his hands[a first before the meal. 39 The Lord said to him, “The washing you Pharisees do is like cleaning only the outside of a cup or a dish. But what is inside you? You want only to cheat and hurt people. 40 You are foolish! The same one who made what is outside also made what is inside. 41 So pay attention to what is inside. Give to the people who need help. Then you will be fully clean.

42 “But it will be bad for you Pharisees! You give God a tenth of the food you get, even your mint, your rue, and every other little plant in your garden. But you forget to be fair to others and to love God. These are the things you should do. And you should also continue to do those other things.” Luke 11:38-42 ERV

The Pharisees were big on “looking good” and having the right appearance. They acted religious but had no true relationship with God, the Father. They were more concerned about keeping the Law, which said to do no work on the Sabbath, than they were with the people who had come to worship the Lord. They constantly criticized Jesus for healing people or extending forgiveness to them on the Sabbath days.

They looked good by bringing their tithes to the Temple and would pray publicly where they could be seen but they neglected to live a life inspired by love and compassion.

“But I say to you people who are listening to me, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. 28 Ask God to bless the people who ask for bad things to happen to you. Pray for the people who are mean to you. 29 If someone hits you on the side of your face, let them hit the other side too. If someone takes your coat, don’t stop them from taking your shirt too. 30 Give to everyone who asks you for something. When someone takes something that is yours, don’t ask for it back. 31 Do for others what you want them to do for you…

35 “I’m telling you to love your enemies and do good to them. Lend to people without expecting to get anything back. If you do this, you will have a great reward. You will be children of the Most High God. Yes, because God is good even to the people who are full of sin and not thankful. 36 Give love and mercy the same as your Father gives love and mercy…

“A good tree does not produce bad fruit. And a bad tree does not produce good fruit. 44 Every tree is known by the kind of fruit it produces. You won’t find figs on thorny weeds. And you can’t pick grapes from thornbushes! 45 Good people have good things saved in their hearts. That’s why they say good things. But those who are evil have hearts full of evil, and that’s why they say things that are evil. What people say with their mouths comes from what fills their hearts.” Luke 6:27-48 ERV (emphasis is mine)

What’s saved in our hearts will be the force that guides our lives. The words we say are directly related to the way we have allowed the Lord to change our hearts. When we come face to face with the love and forgiveness the Lord has shown us it will do a life-changing work in our hearts and we will take on the loving nature of our Savior. Good fruit will be produced; our cups will be clean.

I no longer struggle with clean dishes. Last week we got a new dishwasher! There’s no more hard water scale built up inside and no grime and dirt hiding on the internal parts. It’s new!

Thank you Lord for showing me that You have given me a new heart and I can love my neighbors and my enemies the way You love me!

Take the love of Jesus to your world today. It may be the only Valentine some of them will receive.