My Father’s Love

Have you ever stopped to consider that a child’s love starts in selfishness? That may seem harsh but it’s true.

When a baby first joins our family they are only concerned with their own needs. They cry when they are hungry and get a response; vocalize again and someone will change their wet or messy diaper; squirm and fuss and they find comfort as they are rocked, sung too and cuddled into sleep.

Love, to a baby or small child, is based on the things they receive and the attention they are given. However, as a parent, grandparent or other loving adult we understand that this is just a passing phase. They need us and so we cater to them and their inability to do things for themselves. As they grow we help them express their love to others by sharing, giving hugs and kisses, doing instead of demanding and caring instead of commanding.

Have you ever wondered about the childhood of Jesus? We have very few verses in the Bible to tell us about His upbringing. This morning I read two descriptions in Luke that give insight on Jesus the toddler and Jesus the adolescent.

“Joseph and Mary finished doing all the things that the law of the Lord commanded. Then they went home to Nazareth, their own town in Galilee. 40 The little boy Jesus was developing into a mature young man, full of wisdom. God was blessing him.” Luke 2:39-40 ERV

“Jesus went with them to Nazareth and obeyed them. His mother was still thinking about all these things. 52 As Jesus grew taller, he continued to grow in wisdom. God was pleased with him and so were the people who knew him.” Luke 2:51-52 ERV

Jesus grew and increased in wisdom. He gained favor with his family, his neighbors and with God, the Father. Isn’t that the desire we have for our children as well? It brings us so much joy as parents when our kids show love and compassion for those around them, when they think of others ahead of themselves.

As I read these verses this morning I couldn’t help but ask the Father if I was the kind of child that pleased Him?

Do my actions reflect Him? Is He a proud parent? Does He tap the angels on the shoulder and say “did you see what she just did, that’s my girl”?

My love for the Lord used to be based in selfishness just like a baby’s love. Need based, and the Father understood that but now it’s foundation is gratitude.

“We love Him because He loved us first.” I John 4:19 NLV

I no longer obey and try to please the Father because of what He can “give me” or to earn His love. No, I desire to do what pleases Him because of the amazing magnitude of love that He shows me on a daily basis. The Father is always reaching out to me, calling me to His side, wanting me to spend time in His presence.

But this kind of relationship isn’t just for a select few. It’s not exclusive to those of high calling or those who are good enough. The Father’s unconditional love is available to ALL his children.

“You have shown me the path to life, and you make me glad by being near to me.
Sitting at your right side, I will always be joyful.” Psalm 16:11 CEV

Thank you Father for lovingly providing all I needed, forgiving my short comings and failures and bringing me into Your family. Thank you for Your love!