Merry Christmas to all of you! I pray your day is filled with peace, joy and love.

As you celebrate the birth of Jesus, I hope you experience the same anticipation, excitement and wonder that the shepherds did over 2000 years ago. May you find joy as you celebrate with family and friends but take time for solitude and let the Lord speak directly to your heart.
I have no carol to share this morning. Instead I’m sharing with you a poem that I wrote over 30 years ago.
A Christmas Gift by Kristi Wilson
Christmas has a glory no other day can claim
For it was on that special day, the blessed Savior came.
The promise of His coming had been known for many years
And now that day was really here, the answer to men’s prayers.
Now it seems so long ago, that angels spoke to men
Proclaiming the good news of His birth to free them from their sins.
Some have forgotten the very meaning of His humble birth
And what those words really meant, “Peace to men on earth.”
It’s not the Santa in the store or snow upon the ground
It’s not in pretty presents or carols sung world ’round.
The true meaning that’s in Christmas is simple and unchanged;
It’s the answer found in Jesus and the power of His name.
All the brightly wrapped presents, the world’s problem cannot hide
The only thing that can heal man’s hurts is Jesus Christ inside.
If He’d only come again, I’ve heard the people say
That would solve the problems that we face each day.
But you see He’s never left, not since the day He came
For He lives within my heart and for you He’ll do the same.
God gave us such a special gift on Christmas long ago,
He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to let the whole world know
His great love so rich and free was brought to earth that day
To save mankind from their sins and to answer when they pray.
This gift was given to all the world, no one was left out
To receive it, just believe it and do not ever doubt.
The Son of God died for your sins to bring you life brand new
The greatest gift of all times has been given unto you.
There’s no tree or tinsel or the chime of silver bells
That can put the heart of man at peace or save his soul from hell.
Only Jesus Chist can answer the longing of each heart
And give to man eternal life and a brand new start.
There’s nothing wrong with Christmas, its tinsel, toys and trees;
The carols have new meaning when from sin you have been freed.
I share with you a cherished gift of my Father’s love
Jesus Christ, our Savior, sent from heaven above.
Merry Christmas one and all, you’re loved that is true
Rejoice, rejoice, it’s Christmas time and I offer this prayer for you.
“A child has been born for us. We have been given a son who will be our ruler. His names will be Wonderful Advisor and Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 CEV
Merry Christmas! May God’s gift fill your hearts all year through.