I’m using a play on words this morning; let love rain. I know it should be “reign” and not “rain” but the change in spelling makes a point.

Here in the desert we don’t have the snow scenes that you experience in the northern areas of the country. When we lived in the northwest it was great fun to hike out through the snow and cut our own Christmas trees; build snowmen and sledding runs; and even go on horse drawn sleigh rides. For a few days, a few days…the snow was fun and if I’m perfectly honest I do miss it from time to time.
But the other morning when Dave and I were on a walk after a nice soft winter rain, the day was glorious. The temperature was crisp, the sun was shining brightly, the desert grasses glistened with the previous days moisture, and the air was crystal clear. We both remarked what a beautiful day it was – this is why we live here! We have the beauty of nature and no snow to shovel.
Now how does this relate to rain and reign? The winter rains we experience in the desert are gentle, soft and soothing. Isn’t that what we all need this time of year? We need things to be soothing, soft and kind.
“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. 5 Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. 6 Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth. 7 Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits. 8 Love will never end.” I Corinthians 13:4-8 ERV
During the Christmas season we seem to be more loving, accepting, gentle and forgiving. Maybe it’s because the season reminds us of how gracious God is to us. He doesn’t coerce or demand; He doesn’t ridicule or criticize. God, in His loving manner, welcomes us with open arms and He never gives up on us. Like a soft rain soaking in to the harden soil, God’s love soaks through even the hardest hearts to bring the message of forgiveness. He never loses hope and He never gives up on us.
It is important to have love reign as well as rain. When love reigns it means that it has set itself up as the ruling authority. Like a king establishes his rule throughout the land, love, when it reigns in our hearts, establishes its authority and dictates our actions. There is nothing greater than love.
“Be careful. Hold firmly to your faith. Have courage and be strong. 14 Do everything in love.” I Corinthians 16: 13-14 ERV
My desire is to shower folks with love. Each day I try to look for opportunities to be a godly example. Years ago I heard a song recorded by Barbara Mandrell, One Night a Year. She’s one of my favorite country artists and this song became an anthem in my heart. I hope you enjoy it. (you can listen to it by clicking on the song title)
Once again the windows shine with pretty lights
Once again our loved ones gather at our sight
Busy crowds of strangers greet each other with a smile
There’s Christmas in the eyes of every child
Once again the presents are resting by the tree
Once again we worship the One who came for you and me
I hear choirs of voices as they’re singing out His name
Again we tell the story of how the Christ Child came
One night a year we believe in peace on earth
One night a year we praise our Saviour’s birth
I wish every night the whole year through could be like Christmas Eve
When love’s pure light is shining everywhere, one night a year
Once again around the world heads are bowed in prayer
Once again the promise of peace is in the air
But soon will come the morning and the feeling will be past
And I can’t help but wonder why the feeling only lasts
One night a year we believe in peace on earth
One night a year we praise our Saviour’s birth
I wish every night the whole year through could be like Christmas Eve
When love’s pure light is shining everywhere, one night a year
One night a year we believe in peace on earth
One night a year we praise our Saviour’s birth
I wish every night the whole year through could be like Christmas Eve
When love’s pure light is shining everywhere, one night a year
One night a year
Let’s join together and let love rain more than just one night a year!