It’s the start of the Christmas season for me. This past week I spent several days getting the house decorated and ready for Christmas. Dave’s been building presents in the shop and putting up the outdoor lights and wreaths. Yes, I love Christmas!
This year I am particularly excited because many of you will be joining me each day in reading from the devotional I just wrote, The Best Gifts of Christmas. (You can still order a copy from Amazon if you don’t already have one.)
For the past several years I have established a theme for my daily postings leading up to Christmas. I want to share something that has meaning and it must reflect the heart of God.
I have it! Christmas carols!
When I was a kid we would sing Christmas carols in school. We learned all the verses in Music. Do you remember going to Music? Mrs. Martinez was our Music teacher, such a sweet lady. She played the piano and sang. We all joined in. It was a great time!
Perhaps your school didn’t offer Music. Then do you remember when the gas stations in town gave out Christmas Carol books with a each fill up? They all did – Texaco, Chevron, Richfield, Esso, Union 76, Shell. We would take the books home and I would practice them on the piano, singing along as I fumbled over the keys.
The music we know as “traditional” Christmas carols was written hundreds of years ago to celebrate the commemoration of Christ’s birth. The score was joyous and the lyrics edified our Lord. I’m sure King David would have approved and joined the chorus. He is the one who told us to magnify the Lord in song.
“I will praise God’s name in song. I will honor him by giving him thanks. 31 The Lord will be happier with this than with the offering of an ox or a full-grown bull as a sacrifice.” Psalm 69:30-31 ERV
“I will praise the Lord at all times. I will never stop singing his praises. 2 Humble people, listen and be happy, while I brag about the Lord. 3 Praise the Lord with me. Let us honor his name.” Psalm 34:1-3 ERV
The Lord is honored when we praise Him in song. As we go through the next days and weeks, I hope you will join me in joyful song as we acknowledge the Savior’s birth.
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem!
Come, and behold Him, born the King of angels!
O come, let us adore Him;
O come, let us adore Him;
O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord!
Sing, choirs of angels; sing in exultation;
sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above!
Glory to God, all glory in the highest![Refrain]
Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning;
Jesus, to Thee be all glory giv’n!
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing! [Refrain]
Be among the faithful. Come let us adore Him who is worthy of our praise!