The certificates read: “Caught in the Act of Doing Good”, and then there was a line where the teacher would right what the student did. Our daughter was such a helper and there were always “Doing Good” certificates in her folder.
That’s integrity. Doing right because it’s right.
It’s not doing what’s right because someone is watching. Not driving the speed limit because there’s a patrol car behind you. It’s not cheating because the teacher is watching. It’s not stealing because you won’t get caught. It’s not gossiping because someone might be listening…
Doing what’s right because it’s right!
“Guard my soul and rescue me; Do not let me be ashamed or disappointed,
For I have taken refuge in You. 21 Let integrity and uprightness protect me,
For I wait [expectantly] for You.” Psalm 25:20-21 AMP
Just yesterday we were talking with our oldest daughter and her husband about being on time. There’s integrity in that simple act. Being late is like robbing your employer; they expect you to be at work on time and pay you according. If someone is late 5 minutes a day or leaves early, calculate that out over a year, it’s a costly practice.
It’s important that we keep our word. If we say we will be somewhere at a certain time, we need to be there. It makes our word good, that’s integrity.
A few years back I read a book by Jon Huntsman, “Winner’s Never Cheat”. Honesty, true honesty, is greatly lacking in our world today and this little book shows how this very successful businessman gained his wealth. It was by never cheating. He never went back on His word.
What an example integrity sets for our children.
“Many a man proclaims his own loyalty and goodness, But who can find a faithful and trustworthy man? 7 The righteous man who walks in integrity and lives life in accord with his [godly] beliefs—How blessed [happy and spiritually secure] are his children after him [who have his example to follow].” Proverbs 20:6-7 AMP
Integrity is a blessing. It can be interchanged with the word character.
I am grateful for those in business who keep their word. They are someone I will go to again and I will also tell my friends about the quality of their character.
When we exhibit integrity in our dealings with others we are representing the Father. We are displaying His character through our actions. I desire to set an example of good character for my children, grandchildren and my neighbors.
Yes, I’m thankful integrity. May we all be caught in the act of doing good!