Not announcing the title yet because there are a few minor edits to make but
it’s coming soon!!
Here’s the synopsis as a bit of a teaser.
“Every year it becomes increasingly difficult to pick the perfect gift for those on our list and each year, gifts are set aside and forgotten within weeks of Christmas Day. Wouldn’t it be great to have a list of gifts that would bring joy all year and not break the bank? In this book, The Best Gifts of Christmas, Kristi Wilson presents the reader with a new gift for each day of December. These gifts are personalized yet universal enough to be shared with everyone. After all, “Behold I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people”, was the message delivered by the angel on that first Christmas.The devotional thoughts found in this book can be used by families to help them focus on the real reason for Christmas or by individuals in their personal quiet time. The Bible is a book of giving; each day will present another gift from its pages. Topics include joy, peace, kindness, tradition, light and the greatest gift of all, the presence of Jesus Christ.”
Hope you will get a copy to use as your daily devotional during December and maybe one or two more to give as gifts.
Thank you for your wonderful prayer support during this endeavor.
Congratulations Kristi! I pray your book will enrich the lives of its readers, and even bring some to Christ.