Download, hard drive, upload, Google search, the cloud, USB, thumb drives, memory, gigs…
Refresh the screen, refresh the document, refresh the file. When we do this, we find that some information may have been removed and in other cases, we find that information has been added. Just that simple.
I remember when I first started using email consistently. I would refresh the mailbox several times a day, wondering if anyone had sent something new . I loved finding emails from the kids or from friends. There were also responses to business dealings that I waited for. Refreshing became what I did.
But it wasn’t always so refreshing – sometimes it was just down right frustrating. Things I had been wanting to save would be gone and news I was waiting for hadn’t come.
And now things are so much faster. We live in a world of instant gratification, instant message, instant soup and waiting is not something we do well.
Is it any wonder the Lord calls us aside to rest and be refreshed?
“With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way. 7 Don’t trust in your own wisdom, but fear and respect the Lord and stay away from evil. 8 If you do this, it will be like a refreshing drink and medicine for your body.” Proverbs 3:6-8 ERV
Hitting the refresh button spiritually is like wiping the slate clean. Deleting those things that cause worry, stress, undo concern. They are removed from the document of our lives and we can rest and regain health (emotional, physical & spiritual).
“Come to Me, all of you who work and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Follow My teachings and learn from Me. I am gentle and do not have pride. You will have rest for your souls. 30 For My way of carrying a load is easy and My load is not heavy.” Matthew 11:28-30 NLV
When we come to Jesus with the loads that are weighing us down He gives us rest. He shoulders the burden and makes the load lighter.
Refreshing the screen not only deletes things are harmful and worrisome; it can bring the addition of new and helpful information.
“You, Lord, are my shepherd. I will never be in need. 2 You let me rest in fields of green grass. You lead me to streams of peaceful water, 3 and you refresh my life. You are true to your name, and you lead me along the right paths.” Psalm 23:1-3 CEV
Words of encouragement from the Lord are like peaceful streams and cool pastures. It’s refreshing to know that the Lord will lead us along a good path.
What’s on the screen of life’s computer? Are there things that need to be deleted? Any comments or directions that need to be added?
Refresh the screen and let the Lord bring you to a place of rest.