I became enamored with Rogers and Hammerstein’s productions; Oklahoma, Cinderella, State Fair, Carousel, South Pacific. Stories told with music were wonderful.
They still are!
But the one I remember most was when we went again to Phoenix/Mesa area and saw Fiddler on the Roof! Awww. I laughed, I cried and I had the time of my life.
Tradition, Tradition!
Traditions are important. They come from a place of family history. Traditions either mark great trumpets or they can come out of tremendous hardship.
The Jewish holidays were established to commemorate monumental things that God did for the nation of Israel. We celebrate communion as a remembrance of the Lord’s sacrifice for us.
Tradition, very meaningful tradition.
What do we pass down from generation to generation? What family stories are forefront; which recipes; which photographs or printed articles?
My mother’s mind is still pretty sharp and it’s fun to sit and talk with her about her childhood and what she remembers hearing from her parents and grandparents.
Now, what do my children and grandchildren want to learn from me? What stories are they interested in?
It’s important to me that they know how good God is and how many times I would have been overtaken by despair and discouragement if my Father God had not been my source of strength!
When there was no one else to depend on, when hope was all but gone, when situations looked disastrous He was there! When things were good and grand, when blessings were obvious, when I felt strong and at ease He was there! Times of health and healing, prosperity and lack, courage and disappointment, joy and heartbreak, purposeful direction and aimless wandering – through all He was and still is there!
“I will praise you, my God and King, and always honor your name. 2 I will praise you each day and always honor your name. 3 You are wonderful, Lord, and you deserve all praise, because you are much greater than anyone can understand. 4 Each generation will announce to the next your wonderful and powerful deeds.
5 I will keep thinking about your marvelous glory and your mighty miracles. 6 Everyone will talk about your fearsome deeds,
and I will tell all nations how great you are. 7 They will celebrate and sing about your matchless mercy and your power to save.
8 You are merciful, Lord! You are kind and patient and always loving. 9 You are good to everyone, and you take care of all your creation. 10 All creation will thank you, and your loyal people
will praise you. 11 They will tell about your marvelous kingdom
and your power. 12 Then everyone will know about the mighty things you do and your glorious kingdom.
13 Your kingdom will never end, and you will rule forever. Our Lord, you keep your word and do everything you say. 14 When someone stumbles or falls, you give a helping hand. 15 Everyone depends on you, and when the time is right, you provide them with food. 16 By your own hand you satisfy the desires of all who live.
17 Our Lord, everything you do is kind and thoughtful, 18 and you are near to everyone whose prayers are sincere. 19 You satisfy the desires of all your worshipers, and you come to save them when they ask for help. 20 You take care of everyone who loves you, but you destroy the wicked.
21 I will praise you, Lord, and everyone will respect
your holy name forever.” Psalm 145 CEV
It’s never too late to start a tradition. Ask the Lord to show you how and when to have special times of remembrance, and let those in your world see that God is good!