“Clap your hands, all you people. Shout to God with a loud, joyful song. 2 We must fear the Lord, the Most High. He is the great king of the whole earth.” Psalm 47:1-2 GW
You know the kind of shouting I’m talking about. It could more appropriately be called cheering. That makes it clearer right?
That cheering, roar-of-the-crowd, winning touch down, home run kind of shouting! The “victory is mine” kind of shouting. The walk around Jericho, let the walls fall down kind of shouting.
“So then the priests blew the trumpets. When the people heard the trumpets, they began shouting. The walls fell down, and the people ran up into the city. So the Israelites defeated that city.” Joshua 6:20 ERV
Today is our day of victory! Maybe you feel you have been in a battle for a very long time. Almost ready to give up – feeling winded, knees wobbly, biceps quivering and shoulders drooping. Don’t quit now – it’s time to shout!
“I celebrate and shout because of my Lord God. His saving power and justice are the very clothes I wear. They are more beautiful
than the jewelry worn by a bride or a groom. 11 The Lord will bring about justice and praise in every nation on earth, like flowers blooming in a garden.” Isaiah 61:10-11 CEV
Not only do we have reason to shout but heaven is shouting too. The Bible tells us there is great rejoicing in heaven when we come to the Father and receive His love and forgiveness. He marks the day we find life in Him. He circles it on the calendar. The angels in heaven sing and heaven’s “social media” come alive with the announcement of our birth.
“Suppose a woman has ten coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house, and look for the coin carefully until she finds it? 9 When she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Let’s celebrate! I’ve found the coin that I lost.’ 10 So I can guarantee that God’s angels are happy about one person who turns to God and changes the way he thinks and acts.” Luke 15:8-10 GW
And oh how the Father rejoices when we come to Him! It’s party time!!
Yes, it truly is time to shout!
God has made us His own. He has given us new life, new hope and a joy that is almost unimaginable.
“You have now become a new person and are always learning more about Christ. You are being made more like Christ. He is the One Who made you... Christ is everything. He is in all of us.
12 God has chosen you. You are holy and loved by Him. Because of this, your new life should be full of loving-pity. You should be kind to others and have no pride. Be gentle and be willing to wait for others.” Colossians 3:10-12 NLV
More like Christ. Each day the Holy Spirit is working in us to make us more like Christ. Christ lived a life of victory; He had challenges, attacks and all out persecution but He knew victory was His because the Father had promised that He would triumph.
“I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 CEV
Join me please. Let’s start this day with a shout! Let the voice of triumph be heard!!