Yesterday was spent with family and friends. We celebrated a birthday in the morning and had dinner with dear friends in the evening. When I looked back at my FB posts on this date from years ago I saw postings of visits in AZ, meeting friends for breakfast at the restaurant but each post said we would be heading back to Montana soon.
I found this post from 6 years ago and knew I had to share it with you. I remember writing this and the heart ache I felt. I wanted to be in Arizona so badly. Our home had been for sale for over 5 years and there was no buyer in sight.
The reason I feel compelled to share this is I know that there are some out there who also have aching hearts. You have been waiting to see your heart’s desire come to pass and you are waiting just like I was when I wrote this.
Little did I know that in another 20 months we would be moving into our new Arizona home. Don’t be discouraged. God is working out your plan, moving things into position so that you can take possession.
Chin up!
Now here’s how I was feeling 6 years ago: My Father and I have been talking for quite a while this morning. We have another 2 days in AZ and are leaving the Phoenix area today to head to my mom’s in Yuma and then we head home via California.
My heart is heavy – I love this area and had hopes that this would be the trip we would be able to find a home, make an offer and get ready to come back.
It hasn’t happened yet but it still can.
As I was repeating my heart’s desire to my Father this morning; I had to remember all I have to be thankful for. Top of the list is His wonderful faithfulness. I can’t be focused on what I don’t have but rather on what He has provided and His constant and abiding love.
My greatest desire is to honor Him in all that I do so with tears in my eyes, I chose to give Him my desire for a home in Arizona and to be content wherever I am and finding delight in Him.
A small thing to some but in my life, not so much.
“… for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11
So today I will take joy, peace and contentment in what God has provided for me in Montana. I will look forward and not back and trust. I’ll let Him change my desires.
“Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Psalm 37:4
What are you struggling with today – be honest with your Father and let Him give you a new perspective – let Him shape and mold your desires.
“I ask only one thing from the Lord. This is what I want most: Let me live in the Lord’s house all my life, enjoying the Lord’s beauty and spending time in his palace. 5 He will protect me when I am in danger. He will hide me in his tent. He will take me up to his place of safety.” Psalm 27:4-5 ERV