You parents who are getting your kids ready to go back to school know what it’s like to be a provider. My kids are older and so it’s been a long time since I bought school supplies or had a kid in athletics and the $$ that can be spent there. But as a parent, that’s what we do – we provide. Sometimes, we may wonder why and how but we still provide.
We provide emotional support, food, clothing, shelter, $$, medical care, life skills and good practical advice for living and dealing with life. Why? Because we’re the parent and we love this child and want them to grow into a man or woman that we can be proud of – someone who will be loving, ambitious, a benefit to their community and not a drain on society.
Well, God the Father, feels this way and more about you. His love is infinitely greater than ours – His is unconditional and He looks for ways to cover our faults and failures and to bring us up to a better place. He has promised to supply ALL our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
When we look at His relationship with Jesus we will see an example of the relationship He desires to have with us.
All of the messages Jesus taught, all of the times He healed, the miracles He did were all examples of the Father’s love for us. He wanted people to know and understand just what a loving Father was.
The religious rulers of the day were condemning and critical in all they did. Jesus was revealing an amazing contrast between relationship with the Father and the religious order of man.
“God’s Spirit makes us sure that we are his children. 17 His Spirit lets us know that together with Christ we will be given what God has promised. We will also share in the glory of Christ, because we have suffered with him.” Romans 8:16–17 CEV
Now I know some of you aren’t going to like that word suffer.
But how did Jesus suffer? He suffered public ridicule, defamation of character, he turned the other cheek, He put others first and then He suffered death on the cross, so we don’t have too. The suffering we are called to is giving up our desires and ambitions for life to live a better, more loving, more sacrificial life for Him.
The rewards are certainly worth it. We will share in His glory. That’s the inheritance we receive.
Let the Father show you His love today! He’s just waiting for you to spend time with Him.