As we drove through the rolling ranchlands and the greasewood covered plains we imagined what it must have been like for the first settlers that came to the area. Looking at the beauty of the landscape through their eyes gave us an appreciation for their sacrifice and dedication in coming to such a place.
What was it that made them stop here. Build their homes, raise their families and create a new life? I imagine it was much like King David wrote in Psalm 23, it was a place of quiet streams and green grass. A good place, a place of peace. A place to stay.
“The Lord is my Shepherd. I will have everything I need. 2 He lets me rest in fields of green grass. He leads me beside the quiet waters. 3 He makes me strong again. He leads me in the way of living right with Himself which brings honor to His name.” Psalm 23:1-3 NLV
As we traveled down the road further I was faced with the contrast between staying in a place of rest and moving forward.
For a good portion of the day we followed the Payette River. We had travelled this road last year and it was a beautiful drive. The forest was green and lush, the river beautiful but all of that was obscured from view this year.
There were fires in the area the last few days and the smoke was lingering in the air. Along the highway we passed numerous signs telling us “fire activity…don’t stop…proceed with caution”. So we were obedient and just kept moving.
Isn’t that a lesson for life? Just keep moving!
Things happen that will obscure our view, detour our route and slow our progression but when we have Christ as our guide we can continue forward knowing that we will arrive at our destination.
“You are my God. I worship you. In my heart, I long for you, as I would long for a stream in a scorching desert. 2 I have seen your power and your glory in the place of worship.
3 Your love means more than life to me, and I praise you. 4 As long as I live, I will pray to you. 5 I will sing joyful praises and be filled with excitement like a guest at a banquet.
6 I think about you before I go to sleep, and my thoughts turn to you during the night. 7 You have helped me, and I sing happy songs in the shadow of your wings. 8 I stay close to you, and your powerful arm supports me.” Psalm 63:1-8 CEV
Staying close to the Lord, receiving His powerful support is the key of our success.
The conclusion I drew on yesterday’s journey is a simple one. Whether we are stopping in a place of resting or moving forward to a new place it’s important that we allow the Lord to lead in all of it.
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice saying, “This is the road! Now follow it.” Isaiah 30:21 CEV
I pray that you hear God’s voice today in your resting and receiving strength or moving forward by His leading.