In my mind’s eye I can see Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke singing and dancing. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down in a most delightful way.
Have you ever looked to the Scripture for a good dose of medicine? It has healing qualities you know.
I particularly like these verses from Proverbs.
“ Happiness is good medicine, but sorrow is a disease.” Proverbs 17:22 ERV
“If you are happy, your face shows it. If you are sad, your spirit feels defeated.” Proverbs 15:13 ERV
Happiness is good medicine! Is it any wonder that so many in life today are feeling sick and so their spirits feel defeated? They have lost their joy.
It’s essential that we become ambassadors of joy.
Dave and I love spending time with our little grandson, Sam. He always seems to be happy about something. Dave calls him Smiley Joe and calls his little sister Smiley Josephina. Their smiles come from a happy heart and they carry joy to everyone around them.
If we allow ourselves to stay focused on the things in our world that seem to being going wrong or those events in our lives that are contrary, we will be overtaken by the disease of sorrow.
But a good dose of the medicine of a merry heart will strengthen us and bring us peace.
“Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy the good food and sweet drinks. Give some food and drinks to those who didn’t prepare any food. Today is a special day to our Lord. Don’t be sad, because the joy of the Lord will make you strong.” Nehemiah 8:10 ERV
The word disease interests me. Break it apart, dis – ease. When our hearts are uneasy, worried or distressed we are susceptible to disease. How do we avoid dis ease?
“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” I Peter 5:7 CEV
Don’t look at the circumstances that are beyond our control instead look to God who changes circumstances. Then we can be filled with good medicine.
“I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 ERV
There’s a song that children sing in pre-school and Sunday School. If You’re Happy and You Know It – the song says if you’re happy and you know it…clap your hands, stomp your feet, say Amen. And there’s one line in there that says “if you’re happy and you know it then your face will surely show it”, our faces will show it – we’ll smile and our eyes will twinkle and those who look at us will wonder what makes us so happy.
“I will celebrate and be joyful because you, Lord, have saved me.
10 Every bone in my body will shout: “No one is like the Lord!”
You protect the helpless from those in power; you save the poor and needy from those who hurt them.” Psalm 35:9-10 CEV
Dear Father, let our faces show what You have done in our hearts. Let us be ambassadors of joy today.