Speak Up

I was thinking about Esther this morning. A young girl in a foreign land and she changed her world!

Her story can be read in the book with her name. The book of Esther is only 10 chapters long. It’s an easy read and I encourage you to take time to learn about this courageous young woman.

Esther was raised by her uncle, Mordecai, after her parents had died. She was a Jewish girl being raised in captivity in Persia. The Scripture says that she was very beautiful.

King Xerxes had thrown a party for all of his leaders; governors and officials, military commanders and anyone with influence. This was a display of Xerxes wealth and the greatest of his kingdom. We are told the display lasted for 180 days. A 6 month party.

While the men were being entertained by King Xerxes the women were spending time with their hostess, Queen Vashti. It was a jubilant time.

About 7 days into the celebration, the king called for his queen. He wanted her to wear her crown and show off her beauty. She refused his command. King Xerxes became very angry and he wrote a law saying that Queen Vashti would never see his face again. He divorced her and had her removed.

Now all this is in the first chapter…A search was made for the most beautiful women in the land. The king would choose someone to replace Vashti. Esther was brought to the palace with many other young women. They went through a year of beauty treatments and then were brought before the king.

Now I hope that’s enough to wet your appetite to read more of the story. Remember Esther was a Jewish girl in a foreign country being brought before the king. What an amazing story!

So what has all this got to do with speaking up?  We’ll get there.

After she was selected as queen, Esther’s uncle learned of a plot to destroy all the Jews in Persia. He came to Esther and told her that she must speak for her people.

One of my favorite verses in the book of Esther is this. Mordecai sent her this message.

Mordecai answered, “Do not think that you in the king’s special house will live any more than all the other Jews. 14 For if you keep quiet at this time, help will come to the Jews from another place. But you and your father’s house will be destroyed. Who knows if you have not become queen for such a time as this?”  Esther 4:13-14 NLV

“Have you become queen for such a time as this?” Destiny. God’s plan for Esther was evident to her uncle. She had a purpose, she needed to speak up to save her people.

Have you ever felt you should speak up about something but fear kept you from it?

 What is the purpose and plan that God has ordained for you? Esther’s uncle said if SHE didn’t step forward that God would provide someone else as a deliverer.

King David proclaimed:

The Lord’s arm is raised in victory. The Lord has shown his great power again. 17 I will live and not die, and I will tell what the Lord has done.” Psalm 118:16-17 ERV

What is it that God has asked you to declare? Your testimony of God’s goodness and love could be the very thing that will keep someone from falling into discouragement, depression, self-pity or loneliness.

Look for your purpose and plan today. Let God work through you to bring deliverance to those around you. Speak up!

You are here “for such a time as this”.