Didn’t look like much did it? But we had a vision of what we wanted it to become.
Last night Dave and I sat out on the patio and talked about the first days we were here. The sweat, the paint, the cleaning, the patience, the money – all that went in to making it the house, no, the home it has become.
Such a transformation! An amazing change!
So this morning I took inventory, personal inventory. How have I changed in the last four years? This assessment has nothing to do with my external appearance; not weight or hair color. I looked at my life to see what changes are there and how I’ve grown in my walk with the Lord.
“…That is why we never give up. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made new every day. 17 We have small troubles for a while now, but these troubles are helping us gain an eternal glory. That eternal glory is much greater than our troubles.” II Corinthians 4:16-17 CEV
There have certainly been challenges in the last four years but there has also been a greater dependence upon the Lord and a calm assurance in trusting Him in every situation. It’s good to evaluate where I’ve been and where I’m heading. I don’t want to become a stagnant Christian. I want to continue to grow in my relationship with the Lord.
“You accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, so continue to live following him. 7 You must depend on Christ only, drawing life and strength from him. Just as you were taught the truth, continue to grow stronger in your understanding of it. And never stop giving thanks to God.” Colossians 2:6-7 ERV
When I look around our home I see so many changes and evidence of life. We have plants everywhere when once there were only a few cacti and a couple of mesquite trees. Things thrive here.
So have we!
“We praise you, Lord God! You treat us with kindness day after day,
and you rescue us. 20 You always protect us and save us from death.” Psalm 68:19-20
I go in to each day looking for God’s hand of love and protection. I am not disappointed. It’s amazing what you see when you are looking for it. Oral Roberts used to say “Something good is going to happen to you this day.” He was criticized for that because people thought he was just teaching a “feel good” gospel. I truly believe that God has something wonderful planned for each day of my life but I have to be willing to let Him take control and lead me to the place that He has designed.
I started to say, I’m not special or unique to the Lord, but I am. Each one of us are! God has a specific plan of good for each of us. He doesn’t place favorites and He certainly isn’t prejudice. He loves each and everyone of us the same.
That’s why I share this blog each morning. I want to remind everyone who reads it that God is our loving, compassion, kind, wise, giving heavenly Father. I want people everywhere to KNOW, not just think or guess, that maybe, possibly, perhaps God loves them. No, I want all to have the calm assurance that God does love me, no matter what!
“So, brothers and sisters, be careful that none of you has the evil thoughts that cause so much doubt that you stop following the living God. 13 But encourage each other every day, while you still have something called “today.” Help each other so that none of you will be fooled by sin and become too hard to change. 14 We have the honor of sharing in all that Christ has if we continue until the end to have the sure faith we had in the beginning. ” Hebrews 3:12-13 ERV
Take inventory today. See what God has done in the past and don’t become discouraged in the day to day transformation. Encourage others around you.
God is making a Glorious Change in each one of us!
You know we love Casa de Paz!
You just don’t come often enough! We always love having you.