I have been dealing with some issues that require decisions and actions on my part. I was telling the Lord that I didn’t want to make a decision based on my own knowledge, fear or a sense of urgency.
It was then that I remembered these verses.
“ Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. 6 With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way. 7 Don’t trust in your own wisdom, but fear and respect the Lord and stay away from evil. 8 If you do this, it will be like a refreshing drink and medicine for your body.” Proverbs 3:5-8 ERV
I don’t want to do things or make decisions based on my own “common sense”. I want everything I do to be God-led and God-directed. My intelligence and understanding give me a limited view of the things before me, like a flashlight on a dark night.
But trusting the Lord completely and relying on His understanding of the situation is comparable to the light of the sun at noonday. Nothing is hidden, everything is revealed. I would much rather walk in the light of the sunshine than with the light of a flashlight.
Remember a few days ago in the story of Saul/Paul. Saul was met on the road to Damascus by a bright blinding light from heaven. That’s God’s light and it’s so much greater than any light we use. The same light appeared with the angels to the shepherds when they announced the birth of Jesus.
Trusting the Lord and His wisdom is far beyond my own wisdom and understanding.
“ But for you that honor my name, victory will shine like the sun with healing in its rays, and you will jump around like calves at play. 3 When I come to bring justice, you will trample those who are evil, as though they were ashes under your feet. I, the Lord All-Powerful, have spoken!” Malachi 4:2-3 ERV
God caused the sun to stand still for Joshua when he was fighting a battle. The sun represented God’s power and promise working for the Israelites. As long as it was present they were winning.
“The Lord was helping the Israelites defeat the Amorites that day. So about noon, Joshua prayed to the Lord loud enough for the Israelites to hear:
“Our Lord, make the sun stop
in the sky over Gibeon,
and the moon stand still
over Aijalon Valley.”
So the sun and the moon
stopped and stood still
until Israel defeated its enemies.
This poem can be found in The Book of Jashar. The sun stood still and didn’t go down for about a whole day. 14 Never before and never since has the Lord done anything like that for someone who prayed. The Lord was really fighting for Israel.” Joshua 10:12-14 CEV
So yesterday, after my quiet time I took Glory, our dog, for a walk. While I was on the walk the Lord reassured me to “wait” pursuing my own idea for a solution and to trust Him. After all, His ways are perfect.
This morning I woke refreshed. I plan on living this day in the “Son Shine”!
“I didn’t want to make a decision based on my own knowledge, fear or sense of urgency.” How often we do that, only to discover we should have waited on the Lord. Proverbs 3: 5-8 is a great verse to remind us to fully trust in the Lord and His guidance. Thank you for sharing what He has impressed upon your heart.