It could be the smoke of something that burned in the kitchen, a good cigar or pipe, or perhaps a campfire. My son smells like smoke frequently – he’s a firefighter.
We have been looking at different people in the Bible who have had a friendship relationship with God. God has never been nor will He ever be a “fair weather” friend. He has made us promises to never leave us or abandon us.
“But now the Lord Who made you, O Jacob, and He Who made you, O Israel, says, “Do not be afraid. For I have bought you and made you free. I have called you by name. You are Mine! 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they will not flow over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The fire will not destroy you. 3 For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, Who saves you...” Isaiah 43:1-3a NLV
In the book of Daniel chapter 3, King Nebuchadnezzar commanded that a statue of gold be built in his likeness. All the people who lived in the country were to bow down and worship the statue when they heard music playing. Everyone did as there were told except for three Jewish young men who were prisoners in the country. You’ve probably heard of them; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Those in authority told the king that these men wouldn’t bow and it made him very angry. He called them in and gave them strict warning that next time they heard the music they were to bow.
The music played but the men didn’t bow. They were brought before the king again and he was extremely angry. He had the furnace heated hotter than it had been for melting gold, had the men bound and thrown into the fire.
Let’s digress from a moment. In his original warning the king had told them they would be thrown into the furnace if they didn’t bow. This was their response.
“Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, it is not necessary for us to answer you on this point. 17 If our God Whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. 18 But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image which you have set up!” Daniel 3:16-18 AMPC
Let me paraphrase. King we don’t have to take a lot of time to think about our answer. If you throw us in the fire our God will deliver us. If you don’t throw us in we still aren’t going to serve your god or worship your statue.
They knew that God had brought Noah safely through the flood, they knew the stories of how God used to Moses to deliver the children of Israel. They were not afraid to stand strong because they knew that God would be there with them!
At this response, they were bound and thrown in the furnance. Now here’s where it gets interesting. Nebuchadnezzar was looking on and as he watched, he saw that the men were walking around in the fire and that there was a fourth man in there with them!
Hallelujah!! God showed up in grand fashion.
To this the King reacted:
“Nebuchadnezzar went closer to the flaming furnace and said to the three young men, “You servants of the Most High God, come out at once!” They came out, 27 and the king’s high officials, governors, and advisors all crowded around them. The men were not burned, their hair wasn’t scorched, and their clothes didn’t even smell like smoke. 28 King Nebuchadnezzar said: Praise their God for sending an angel to rescue his servants! They trusted their God and refused to obey my commands. Yes, they chose to die rather than to worship or serve any god except their own. 29 And I won’t allow people of any nation or race to say anything against their God. Anyone who does will be chopped up and their houses will be torn down, because no other god has such great power to save.” Daniel 3:26-29 CEV
These men were slaves in a foreign country. They took a very unpopular stand – they refused to worship any god other than God the Father. They were persecuted and their lives were threatened but they stood strong.
They went through a fiery trial and came out, not even smelling like smoke.
If you’re going through a fiery trial of persecution for your stand for the Lord, Stand strong! Don’t bend, don’t compromise, don’t bow – God will show up and walk in the fire with you and He will bring you out!