I would appreciate it if you would share with me some of the qualities you feel define friendship.
Please take a moment or too and send those to me.
I appreciate it. Thank you.
Good Morning from Arizona!
I would appreciate it if you would share with me some of the qualities you feel define friendship.
Please take a moment or too and send those to me.
I appreciate it. Thank you.
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A true friendship to me would include: being able to share my heart without being judged, someone who can laugh with me and not at me, someone who is not quick to give advice but instead steers me back to the Lord for guidance, someone I can be myself with – loves me unconditionally, someone who holds me accountable when necessary, and last but probably most important is someone who prays God’s best for me.
WOW! Those are some great attributes. God is daily developing deeper relationship with us. What a special friendship this is.
I was just going to say Trust, Support (or in today’s vernacular – someone who “gets me”), it’s the personal connection that happens naturally but requires thoughtful effort to reinforce and maintain.
Keeping a close friendship is hard work but it doesn’t feel like it.
To me it’s someone who knows everything about you and accepts you in spite of it, or maybe because of it. They don’t use things against you. Someone you can feel 100% safe with, they never judge or look down on you. Someone who you may talk to everyday and share everything with, but can also be someone you only talk to a few times a year, but know, they are there when/if you need them and they know you are there for them. A true friend is ok with you having other people in your life, becasue they know your relationship is real. I heard the song How Jesus Does by Eric Chruch and thought of my best friend right away. Becasue to me that’s friendship, true, pure, honest love.
What a great explanation of friendship. All those things, you’re right, is How Jesus Does!