I have to admit that I enjoy the coals more than the fire. I always seem to sit on the wrong side and end up with my eyes filled with smoke. But once the fire has burned down and the embers are glowing that’s when I like to move in close. I find it warm and comforting.
These days fires like the ones I described are recreational. In the past 15-20 years fire pits have become common place in backyards. Kind of like bringing the camping experience home. But years ago fire was essential to every home’s well being.
Fires were needed for heat and for cooking. They gave light and provided a way to kill germs and sterilize wounds. Without fire, early settlers would be overcome by the cold.
There are a couple of Scriptures in the Bible that talk about coals of fire that I think have been misunderstood. They are basically the same verse, first written in the Old Testament and then repeated in the New. These verses were used hundreds of years apart but both groups of people understood their meaning.
“If your enemies are hungry, give them something to eat. And if they are thirsty, give them something to drink. 22 This will be the same
as piling burning coals on their heads. And the Lord will reward you.” Proverbs 25:21-22 CEV
“Dear friends, don’t try to get even. Let God take revenge. In the Scriptures the Lord says, “I am the one to take revenge and pay them back.” 20 The Scriptures also say, “If your enemies are hungry, give them something to eat And if they are thirsty, give them something to drink. This will be the same as piling burning coals on their heads.” 21 Don’t let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good.” Romans 12:19-21 CEV
Putting coals of fire on your head was a customary way of carrying your fire with you. Since fire was such a necessity for life and many peoples were nomadic they would take a few coals put them in a metal dish and transport them to the next location. Many times this meant wrapping the in container in cloth while they carried them on their heads.
What a wonderful example of how we are to treat those who are unkind to us. We are to feed them, give them water when they are thirsty and give them coals for warmth to sustain them when their fire has gone out.
Plain and simple we are to keep a loving and giving attitude even with our enemies and God will avenge any evil that has been done to us. I guarantee you He can do a much better job than we ever could.
We are to follow of the example of Jesus. He didn’t curse the Roman soldiers who were charged with His crucifixion nor did he condemn Judas for betraying Him. He even preached forgiveness to the thief hanging on the cross next to Him.
I encourage you today don’t speak evil of those who have wronged you. Don’t try to exact revenge. Let God handle your situation. Don’t be defeated by evil.
Is there someone you can give “coals of warmth” to today?
And when we treat others as Christ modeled for us, we have the peace of God which passes all understanding, instead of bitterness.
Amen – good reminder!