Maybe you’ve been going over and over the dynamics of a relationship; your education or lack thereof; your financial situation or your health. Too often, you begin to follow rabbit trails in your mind and come to a place of discontentment or disaster.Before you know it you are angry or depressed.
You know how it goes, you have a bad dream where you fight with your spouse or a friend or a co-worker and when you wake up, you’re madder than blazes and it spoils your morning and maybe your day.
I know none of you have had experiences like that but some people have. Some people let their imaginings become real and they are hurt by them.
But what has any of this got to do with anything. Glad you asked because it takes me to this morning’s devotional thought.
“We live in this world, but we don’t fight our battles in the same way the world does. 4 The weapons we use are not human ones. Our weapons have power from God and can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We destroy people’s arguments, 5 and we tear down every proud idea that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.” II Corinthians 10:3-5 ERV
One version of this verse tells us to cast down vain imaginations. That’s what I was talking about above. When those thoughts of failure, death, desertion, and humiliation come you need to take them captive or cast them down. But how?
“Dear friends, God is good. So I beg you to offer your bodies to him as a living sacrifice, pure and pleasing. That’s the most sensible way to serve God. 2 Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.” Romans 12:1-2 CEV
and how do you change the way you think…
“Brothers and sisters, continue to think about what is good and worthy of praise. Think about what is true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected.” Philippians 4:8 ERV
The news you hear everyday is mostly bad; most of you have a tendency to run “the worst case scenario” when you think of doing something new. But that needs to change.
Yes, it’s that simple. If you don’t like the way the red shirt looks, you change to the blue. If you don’t like the brown boots you change to the red ones. If you don’t like the fishing lure you’re using you change to live bait.
Your thoughts are the data that you input to your mind’s hard drive. They dictate your prejudice, your approval, joy, and your sorrow. You can make wrong assumptions and be destroyed or you can choose to consider God’s word, his thoughts and live in victory.
“ For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV
Change – renew your mind to God’s way of thinking instead of your own. Think about what’s good, honorable, pure and true. When those bad thoughts and imaginings come, change them! Change them immediately! Replace them with what God has said about you and your situation.
When you do, the word of God will rule in your heart and God’s word brings peace and light!
Time for a change!!