God I Yield!
We all have those DIY projects but what would be your #1 GIY project? The one thing that you know you should yield or the one thing you know you need help with more than anything else. Maybe you’re afraid to yield control of that area or do you think that God wouldn’t be interested in helping. Oh but He’s certainly interested and more than willing to show you how He would like to craft your life into a beautiful setting.
I am so thankful for the Father’s amazing love. I didn’t do anything to desire it and I can’t do anything to lose it – that’s because it’s unconditional. But I can thank Him daily for His love, His mercy, and His grace! I can allow Him to control the center of my being.
Give thanks to the Lord because he is good.
His faithful love will last forever.
35 Say to him,
“Save us, God our Savior.
Bring us back together,
and save us from the other nations.
Then we will give thanks to your holy name
and joyfully praise you.” I Chronicles 16:34-35 ERV
Father God my heart is filled with thanksgiving for your great love and abundant grace. I thank you for friends who are family and family who are friends, they have enriched my life. Thank you for sharing your love with me through their kindnesses and I pray that I have shared your love with them by my love.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I pray that God’s grace is the center piece on each table.