I hate when that happens because it’s a rare occasion that I can enjoy true one on one conversation with those I love.
Some people tell me that they just can’t imagine getting up as early as I do each morning and ask “how do you do it”. I don’t really “do it” anymore. It has become habit and it happens whether I think about it or not. I used to rise early to get out in the fields and bail hay or to have quiet before the kids got up but now I really can’t imagine starting my day any other way. Enjoying the morning sunrise with the Lord is the best!
This morning I was praying and told the Lord how glad I was that we have this time uninterrupted. How special it is to know that when I get up to meet Him, he’s already here. Yes, I know He never leaves me and is with me 24/7 but just sitting and talking about things early in the morning is the best.
And then it happened…
The interruption! What at 4:30am I had an interruption and it was of my own making. As I was telling the Lord how great it is to have time with Him my mind began to wander and I found myself composing my morning devotional on how great morning quiet time is! Really!! I wasn’t enjoying the moment we had to share but instead was planning for something completely different.
Oh Lord forgive me for being rushed and inattentive.
“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart.
I will tell about the wonderful things you have done.
2 You make me happy, so I will rejoice in you.
God Most High, I praise your name.” Psalm 9:1-2 ERV
You know as well as that you can’t have a true friendship if only one person does all the talking. That isn’t conversation – that’s a monologue! I don’t want my time with the Lord to be one where I tell him all my joys, my disappointments, my needs and desires and then say “Amen” and walk away. No, I have to listen to what He tells me more that I expect to listen to what I say. That’s true relationship – learning about your friend by listening!
The sweetest moments of the day are those went I know that God is there and has given me an invitation to come and spend time with Him.
“Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will search for me, and when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:12-13 ERV
Yes, today I am thankful for the quiet moments – the moments of one on one with my God who loves me!