I encourage you to start now. Make a list of people and opportunities you are thankful for. Not just a mental list but a down-on-paper list! Then stop by the store and pick up a box of thank you notes and send them off to those names you have on your list. Tell them how they have affected your life and how grateful you are for them.
Yes, you might do this from time to time on FB, through a text or email but it will mean a whole lot more when they realize you took the time to get the card, write the note and put it in the mail. Time = love!
It might be old fashioned but gratitude never goes out of style.
We can never be too thankful. A lot of folks these days have forgotten how to say “thank you” or to properly appreciate the things that are done for them.
We tend to take so many things for granted or worse yet feel that “well I deserve it”. Nothing could be farther from the truth – if we all got what we deserved we would go straight to hell – do not pass go, do not collect $200. We might be better than someone else but when compared to God’s standard we have all failed and are deserving of death but He gives us grace freely.
So today take on an attitude of gratitude and look for a way to tell someone thank you – maybe it’s your kids just because they hold your heart, or your husband, thank him for going to work everyday and then coming home, or your wife – have you thanked her for all the things she does each day that no one seems to notice(but have the smelling salts ready, she may faint).
I use a phrase constantly in expressing gratitude and the thing is, I really mean it. I will say, “Thank you, I really appreciate that” and sometimes I hear, “sure you do” but you know I do! I want people to know they are truly appreciated.
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
You don’t have to be thankful “for” everything but “in” everything. Thanksgiving is the will of God for our lives!