It didn’t matter that his friends were still playing or that there was a lot of other activity going on, he just wanted the cake.
It was a funfetti white cake with black sky frosting sprinkled with silver stars. It was his and he loved it!
As I watched him experience such complete joy, oblivious to all that was around him, I thought of what King David wrote in the Psalms.
“This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear (reverence) Him, and delivers them. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him” Psalm 34:6-8
We can experience God’s love with the same abandon as Sam eating his cake. Its a kind of up-to-your-elbows, smeared-on-your-face kind of joy that you get when you realize that the Father loves you unconditionally, dirty face and all!
Start the day knowing that you are blessed and you have angels around you to protect and help you today.
Cute grandson ! Looks like he enjoyed his cake !!!
Thanks Cindy. He did. We had fun celebrating.