I like unexpected guests too. I like the fact that they feel comfortable enough to just “pop” in and even if it’s at meal time it doesn’t matter because they won’t complain. We’re good enough friends that they help prepare and clean up and we visit and enjoy each other’s company – we’re just friends!
I always have more than enough so a few extra feet under the table aren’t a problem. There was a period of time that a friend of the kids would appear each evening at dinner time. The first night he was invited to stay and ate well. Then a pattern began to occur and we realized he was coming each night just as we were sitting down to dinner. He needed to be a part of family and have a good meal so he was always welcomed.
Another friend comes frequently too. Sad to I don’t always hear Him knocking. He has a slow steady knock. And when I get to the door I am so pleased at who I find.
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you. And you will eat with me.
21 “I will let everyone who wins the victory sit with me on my throne. It was the same with me. I won the victory and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 Everyone who hears this should listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 3:20-22 ERV
He is smiling so warmly – I am so glad to see Him. I know He has taken time from His extremely busy schedule to come and have lunch with me. I open the door, we hug and I invite Him in. We laugh and talk, I share from my heart and He shares from His…we laugh some more and then we cry as well.
We cry over disappointments and heartaches. We cry for those who He has stopped to visit and they are too busy to invite Him in. We cry over those who have been praying for Him to come and then didn’t recognize His knock so never went to the door.
Many times I have heard the verses above used when referring to Jesus knocking at our heart’s door, waiting to be invited in as Savior. But this verse is for those who have already accepted Him as Savior; it’s for those who need to find Him as friend.
We visit some more. We never run out of conversation and He’s always with me – He never leaves me or abandons me. However, He said He has some more doors to knock on. He has some more visits to make so if you hear that knocking on your door today – answer it and let Him in. It will certainly be time well spent.
I have sat at this table and can think of the meals I’ve ate. But as I read this post this morning the thing that warmed my heart the most was the memories of the sound of Kristi’s laugh, the softness of her hand as I held it during the prayer and being so thankful she answered the door when I knocked.
Love you my friend and so glad that there will be many more days of us sharing around this table!