
Welcome to Kristi’s Morning Devotional from beautiful Arizona!

It is my privilege to share insights from God’s word each day. I hope you find encouragement, instruction and inspiration through these pages.

I share my quiet morning thoughts as I absorb inspiration from the beautiful world surrounding our Arizona home put in a Biblical context.


Hello and thanks for visiting my Morning Devotional Blog!

My name is Kristi – I’m a wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and a devoted Christian.

I hope you enjoy my quiet morning thoughts as I share with you what the Lord puts on my heart for each day.


Not By Sight

There’s an old expression that says “seeing is believing”. The picture I’m sharing with you this morning reminds me that isn’t true. I took this picture from the balcony of our room while we were in Greece. Each morning and evening we would look across the bay at the tall masts of the sailboats and …


To contact me please  send me an email at: kristi@arizonakristi.com or by filling in the contact form at the bottom of this page.