I Love My Job

Years ago I heard a story and it goes something like this:

“One morning a man got up and told his wife ‘I’m not going to work today. I just want to stay home’. To which she replied ‘You have to go, everyone’s counting on you’. The man muttered and said ‘No one there likes me, they criticize everything I say and do’. The wife tried to be encouraging ‘You have to learn to turn the other cheek. You really have to go, you’re the pastor.'”

I think we all have days like that. We get up and just don’t want to go to work and we need to find motivation to help us have a good attitude about what we do and who we work with. I have enjoyed most of the positions I have worked at but there was one that was a real struggle.

I didn’t handle it well. I complained alot; in fact, I did more complaining about my job than I did praying about it. Just being honest here. And then the Lord reminded me of these words.

“Servants, do what you’re told by your earthly masters. And don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you’ll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you’re serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t cover up bad work.” Colossians 3:22-25 MSG

I needed to do my job as if the Lord was my boss. My responsibility was to please Him and to be an encouragement to those around me. I was to use the talents and skills I had to be the best employee I could be. Less complaining, more praying. It was hard!!

Eventually the Lord opened the door to another position and I was able to quit. I learned a couple things during that time, 1) Pray before taking any position no matter how good it seems, 2) Each day seek to serve the Lord and you can be at peace anywhere and 3)Always, always do your best.

When I think of people who had tough work conditions I think of Joseph. His working conditions were far from perfect. In his first position he went from house servant to overseer of the whole operation but was falsely accused of rape and ended up going to prison. In prison he was the model prisoner and excelled in all he did. He served there for a number of years before he was brought before the pharoah to serve in his court. All along the way Joseph kept his heart free from bitterness and served each master with a pure heart.

“So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Because God has shown you all this, there is no one as understanding and wise as you are. 40 My house will be put in your care. And all my people will do as you say. Only on the throne will I be greater than you.” Genesis 41:39-40 NLV

The Lord exalted Joseph. He went from slave boy to the highest ranking official in the pharaoh’s kingdom.

Wherever we are and whatever we do we need to stay focused on serving the Lord. He can be trusted to change circumstances for our good.

Learn to love the job the Lord has given you. Afterall, we’re working for Him!